Yale-Edinburgh 2024 – Call for Papers

Spirit and the Spiritual:
Ancestors, Deities and the Holy Spirit in Church, and Mission
26th-28th June 2024 ‧ Yale Divinity School, New Haven, CT ‧ #YaleEdin2024
Proposals due 15th February 2024

Yale-Edinburgh Group

Missions from the West brought Christianity into worlds with a wide array of cosmologies. Recipient cultures embraced Christian faith while negotiating differing perspectives of spiritual realities. The subsequent transition from missionary Christianity to indigenous faith produced a range of responses to the notion of ‘spiritual beings.’ Through mission, Christianity encountered traditional religions which venerated ancestors, revered spiritual beings, and navigated intricate relationships between deities in a world far more complex than the typical Western experience. From Korea to Brazil, Nigeria to Samoa, France to India – these multifaceted cosmologies continue to animate the Christian experience producing dynamic expressions of the faith. Movements of the Holy Spirit represent another dimension of Christianity. A wide range of pneumatic Christianities populate the long history of Christian expansion around the world.

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Yale-Edinburgh 2023 – Call for Papers

Creation, Climate Change, and World Christianity #YaleEdin2023
21st–23rd June 2023 ‧ In-person in Edinburgh,
with hybrid hubs in Nairobi, Singapore, and São Paulo
Proposals due 15th February 2023 1st March 2023

Yale-Edinburgh Group

The natural environment influences the perspectives and activities of Christian groups and peoples. At a time when rapid climate change challenges and disrupts the lives of humans and animals, our theme provides plenty of scope for examining the responses of Christians worldwide, past and present, to the planet.

The first article of the Apostle’s Creed asserts that Christians uphold a God Who is ‘Creator of Heaven and Earth’. However, Christianity has sometimes appeared to focus more closely on the heavenly realm than on the earthly realm. Theologies underscoring the domination of creation have overridden theologies of care and concern over the natural order. Missionaries and migrants have been at the mercy of the seas. Under the influence of romantic idealisation of pristine lands and unspoilt ‘primitive’ peoples, missionaries romanticised rural villages and communities untouched by modern vices as sites of religious transformation. Other missionaries were keen amateur botanists and geographers. How did their assumptions and knowledge influence understanding of the natural environment? What did they learn from people connected with the land, the sea, and their plants and animals? In what ways did indigenous communities around the world relate Christianity to their natural landscapes and animal worlds? In contemporary Christianity, where are the movements responding to the climate crisis or theologies developing from land rights or a reduction in bio-diversity? How, for example, are Pacific islanders responding theologically and practically to the threat of the rise in sea-levels? Or those living in the Amazon rainforest responding to its destruction? What is observed when Pentecostals do battle with nature spirits? What Christian groups are responding to the tensions when natural resources are limited or used badly? What role does climate change play in the movement of people? What does the establishment of migrant churches in cities mean for engagement with the natural environment?

The theme is vast and applicable to interdisciplinary working in planetary health and geo-sciences, as well as the familiar history, theology and social sciences. We welcome papers that focus on the observation and analysis of what is happening in World Christianity vis-à-vis the topic.

Please supply an abstract of 250 words to cswc-events@ed.ac.uk by 15th February 2023 1st March 2023 that clearly states the enquiry, method and the literature in which you situate your paper. We expect all speakers to be presenting from Edinburgh, with the exception of keynotes separately organized by one of our hubs. We anticipate a high level of interest in the conference and may not be able to accept all papers.

Further details will be released on the Yale-Edinburgh page.

What does Jerusalem have to do with the Internet? #YaleEdin2021

On 22 June 2021, the 2021 Yale-Edinburgh conference commenced with the keynote address by Dr Alexander Chow, entitled: What does Jerusalem have to do with the Internet? World Christianity and Digital Culture. We are pleased to make the recording of this keynote publicly available.

If you are unable to access the video above from YouTube, you can also try watching it from the University of Edinburgh’s Media Hopper service.

Pre-Conference Videos #YaleEdin2021

As part of this year’s online Yale-Edinburgh conference, we are releasing a series of pre-conference videos prepared by partners from around the globe. You can subscribe and see it on our YouTube channel playlist or on our MediaHopper playlist. Here’s the first of our videos:

If you have trouble accessing the YouTube, you can also watch this on MediaHopper.