Studies in World Christianity Celebrates 25 Years

Emma Wild-Wood has written a piece to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of Studies in World Christianity.
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About Emma Wild-Wood

Dr Emma Wild-Wood completed her PhD in the Centre for the Study of World Christianity at the University of Edinburgh under Dr Jack Thompson. She taught in Bunia in DR Congo and in Uganda for a number of years. Before coming back to Edinburgh, Emma was the Director of the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide and Lecturer in World Christianities in the Faculty of Divinity of the University of Cambridge.

2 thoughts on “Studies in World Christianity Celebrates 25 Years

  1. Happy 25th anniversary to the journal. It has been an important informative tool for the CSWC and proffers a dialogical space for researchers and scholars of WC at global scale. Many blessings and long live to the journal. Keep it up!

  2. Pingback: Online Index of Studies in World Christianity | Centre for the Study of World Christianity

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