In honor of missionary contributions to Taiwan, Changhua Christian Hospital Historical Museum collaborates with Asia Pacific Studies, University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN), Department of History, Tung Hai University, Department of History, National Chung Shing University, and Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) to host the 2020 International Conference on the History of Christian Protestant Missionaries. The conference is due to take place on the 24th – 25th September 2020, in the Changhua Christian Hospital International Education and Training Center (Changhua, Taiwan).
Subthemes include:
- Translating God: Missionary Linguistics
- Social Development and Missionary Values
- Medical Mission History and the Practice of Social Care
- Missionary Historiography in Taiwan
- Missionary Recordings of Environment Sustainability and Climate Change
- The History and Influence of Women Missionaries
- The Global and the Local: The Transnationalism of missionary movements
- Practice of historical Archive research
In addition to the topics mentioned above, other contributions related to the study of Taiwanese Christian culture, or the study of missionary history not limited to Taiwan, inter-denominational missionary issues of evangelicals, and contemporary challenges of Christian culture and history are all welcome.
Deadline for submissions is the 30 June 2020. For further details, please see the official Call for Papers or email the Conference Organiser.