
From its very beginning, one of the hallmarks of the Centre’s history has been its role in producing a vast array of valuable resources for the study of World Christianity. This includes:

Qing Official and Guards, China, ca. 1905-1911. CSWC47/LS1/47
  • The archive of special collections in the history of World Christianity and the missionary movement has been part of the Centre from its beginning. It was started during a time when the study of majority world Christianity was not very common because of the lack of archival material.
  • The Centre has also supported graduate work in World Christianity, producing some of the most important PhD theses in the subject. Some of the former students included Kwame Bediako, Jonathan Bonk, Jehu Hanciles, Jooseop Kim, Esther Mombo, Diane Stinton, and Timothy Tennent.
  • Since 1995, the Centre has been the home to the premier academic journal in the field, Studies in World Christianity. It was envisioned by its founding chief editor, the theologian Professor James Mackey, as an ‘international forum in which a true “dialogue of equals” can take place’—an aspiration which we very much hope to continue being true.