Studies in World Christianity

Closely related to the Centre is the peer-reviewed journal Studies in World Christianity. The journal promotes creative thinking and lively scholarly interchange in the interpretation of all aspects of Christianity as a world religion. It includes articles from historical, theological, and social scientific perspectives. Whilst the primary interest of the journal is in the rich diversity of Christian life and thought found in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Oceania, and eastern Europe, its contributions also reflect on channels of influence in either direction between Christianity in the majority world and western Europe or North American.

Across more than a quarter of a century, Studies in World Christianity has become the pioneering journal in the study of world Christianity. Below is a listing of the articles published over this history, which can be searched using the field below:

Author Title Iss Year DOI
Andrew Walls Christianity in the non-western world: a study in the serial nature of Christian expansion 1.1 1995 10.3366/swc.1995.1.1.1
J. Ian H. McDonald Interpreting the New Testament in the light of Jewish-Christian dialogue today 1.1 1995 10.3366/swc.1995.1.1.26
John Polkinghorne The new natural theology 1.1 1995 10.3366/swc.1995.1.1.41
Kwame Bediako The significance of modern African Christianity -a manifesto 1.1 1995 10.3366/swc.1995.1.1.51
Edmond Tang Theology and context in East Asia – China, Japan, Korea 1.1 1995 10.3366/swc.1995.1.1.68
Zhuo Xinping Original Sin in the East-West Dialogue -a Chinese View 1.1 1995 10.3366/swc.1995.1.1.80
R. S. Sugirtharajah Jesus in Saffron Robes?: The ‘Other’ Jesus whom Recent Biographers Forget 1.2 1995 10.3366/swc.1995.1.2.103
Martyn Percy Christ the Healer: Modern Healing Movements and the Imperative of Praxis for the Poor 1.2 1995 10.3366/swc.1995.1.2.111
Edmond Tang The Cosmic Christ — the search for a Chinese theology 1.2 1995 10.3366/swc.1995.1.2.131
Marcella Althaus-Reid Do Not Stop the Flow of My Blood: A Critical Christology of hope amongst Latin American women 1.2 1995 10.3366/swc.1995.1.2.143
Marc R. Nikkel The Cross of Bor Dinka Christians: a working Christology in face of displacement and death. 1.2 1995 10.3366/swc.1995.1.2.160
James P. Mackey Christianity and Cultures; Theology, Science and the Science of Religion 2.1 1996 10.3366/swc.1996.2.1.1
Stephen Buckland Culture and Religion as Text 2.1 1996 10.3366/swc.1996.2.1.26
M. F. C. Bourdillon On the Theology of Anthropology: a response to Stephen Buckland 2.1 1996 10.3366/swc.1996.2.1.45
James L. Cox The Classification ‘Primal Religions’ as a Non-Empirical Christian Theological Construct 2.1 1996 10.3366/swc.1996.2.1.55
David H. Turner Aboriginal Religion as World Religion: an Assessment 2.1 1996 10.3366/swc.1996.2.1.77
Gregory Baum Paul Tillich on Socialism and Nationalism 2.1 1996 10.3366/swc.1996.2.1.97
T. Jack Thompson Re-membering the Body: Discovering History as a Healing Art 2.2 1996 10.3366/swc.1996.2.2.127
Allan K. Davidson The Interaction of Missionary and Colonial Christianity in Nineteenth Century New Zealand 2.2 1996 10.3366/swc.1996.2.2.145
Dong-Kun Kim Korean Minjung Theology in History and Mission 2.2 1996 10.3366/swc.1996.2.2.167
A. F. Walls African Christianity in the History of Religions 2.2 1996 10.3366/swc.1996.2.2.183
Stewart J. Brown An Eighteenth-Century Historian on the Amerindians: Culture, Colonialism and Christianity in William Robertson’s History of America 2.2 1996 10.3366/swc.1996.2.2.204
J. Ian H. McDonald The Crucible of Pauline Ethics 3.1 1997 10.3366/swc.1997.3.1.1
D. B. Walters Marriage and Christianity: reflections on the persistence of secular marriage law in European Christianity 3.1 1997 10.3366/swc.1997.3.1.22
Sung-Hae Kim A Christian Social Ethos of Woman in the Confucian and Taoist Culture of East Asia 3.1 1997 10.3366/swc.1997.3.1.38
Domingo Llanque Chana Ritual and the Christian Life of Andean People 3.1 1997 10.3366/swc.1997.3.1.56
Ruth Page God, Natural Evil and the Ecological Crisis 3.1 1997 10.3366/swc.1997.3.1.68
Yusufu Turaki The Social-Political Context of Christian-Muslim Encounter in Northern Nigeria 3.2 1997 10.3366/swc.1997.3.2.121
Akintunde E. Akinade The Enduring Legacy: Christian-Muslim Encounter in Yorubaland 3.2 1997 10.3366/swc.1997.3.2.138
Marsha Snulligan Haney Issues of Contextualisation: Challenges for African American Christians and Muslims 3.2 1997 10.3366/swc.1997.3.2.154
Mitri Raheb Contextualising the Scripture: Towards a New Understanding of the Qur’an – an Arab-Christian Perspective 3.2 1997 10.3366/swc.1997.3.2.180
Robert Hunt Christian Theological Reflection and Education in the Muslim Societies of Malaysia and Indonesia 3.2 1997 10.3366/swc.1997.3.2.202
John A. Titaley Theological Education in the Pancasila Society of Indonesia 3.2 1997 10.3366/swc.1997.3.2.226
Josef Estermann APY TAYTAYKU: Theological Implications of Andean Thought 4.1 1998 10.3366/swc.1998.4.1.1
Andrew Canessa Evangelical Protestantism in the Northern Highlands of Bolivia 4.1 1998 10.3366/swc.1998.4.1.21
Mark R. Mullins What About the Ancestors? Some Japanese Christian Responses to Protestant Individualism 4.1 1998 10.3366/swc.1998.4.1.41
G. W. Trompf Does God Requite in History? Comments on a Theme in World Christianity 4.1 1998 10.3366/swc.1998.4.1.65
Michael McGhee After Dover Beach: Arnold’s Recast Religion 4.1 1998 10.3366/swc.1998.4.1.84
T. L. S. Sprigge The God of the Philosophers: Faith and Reason 4.2 1998 10.3366/swc.1998.4.2.149
David Cockburn Self, World and God in Spinoza and Weil 4.2 1998 10.3366/swc.1998.4.2.173
Ananda Wood Objective Pictures and Impersonal Knowledge 4.2 1998 10.3366/swc.1998.4.2.187
Probal Dasgupta Turning Baggageless Travel into an Absolute: Some Difficulties 4.2 1998 10.3366/swc.1998.4.2.212
Stephen R. L. Clark The Goals of Goodness 4.2 1998 10.3366/swc.1998.4.2.228
Peter Tze Ming Ng Secularisation or Modernisation: Teaching Christianity in China Since the 1920s 5.1 1999 10.3366/swc.1999.5.1.1
Pan-Chiu Lai Hong Kong Christians’ Attitudes Towards Chinese Religions: A Critical Review 5.1 1999 10.3366/swc.1999.5.1.18
Sathianathan Clarke The Jesus of Nineteenth Century Indian Christian Theology: An Indian Inculturation with Continuing Problems and Prospects 5.1 1999 10.3366/swc.1999.5.1.32
Michael McGhee Drawing From Life: Representing a Spiritual Tradition 5.1 1999 10.3366/swc.1999.5.1.47
Fiona Bowie The Inculturation Debate in Africa 5.1 1999 10.3366/swc.1999.5.1.67
Michael Prior The Bible and the Redeeming Idea of Colonialism 5.2 1999 10.3366/swc.1999.5.2.129
Rachel A. Rakotonirina Power and Knowledge in Mission Historiography: A Postcolonial Approach to Martyrological Texts on Madagascar 1837–1937 5.2 1999 10.3366/swc.1999.5.2.156
Fernando F. Segovia Postcolonial and Diasporic Criticism in Biblical Studies: Focus, Parameters, Relevance 5.2 1999 10.3366/swc.1999.5.2.177
Sharada Sugirtharajah Virtuous Christians, Vicious Hindus: A Postcolonial Look at William Ward and his Hinduism 5.2 1999 10.3366/swc.1999.5.2.196
Musa W. Dube Searching for the Lost Needle: Double Colonization & Postcolonial African Feminisms 5.2 1999 10.3366/swc.1999.5.2.213
R.S. Sugirtharajah Postcolonialism and Indian Christian Theology 5.2 1999 10.3366/swc.1999.5.2.229
Tharcisse Gatwa Mission and Belgian Colonial Anthropology in Rwanda. Why the Churches Stood Accused in the 1994 Tragedy? What Next? 6.1 2000 10.3366/swc.2000.6.1.1
Joseph E. Bush Land and Communal Faith: Methodist Belief and Ritual in Fifi 6.1 2000 10.3366/swc.2000.6.1.21
Joseph S. O’Leary Conventions and Ultimacy in Japanese Religion: A Challenge to Christian Theology 6.1 2000 10.3366/swc.2000.6.1.38
Afe Adogame Doing Things with Water: Water as a Symbol of ‘Life’ and ‘Power’ in the Celestial Church of Christ (CCC) 6.1 2000 10.3366/swc.2000.6.1.59
Frank Whaling Scripture and Its Meanings: A Comparative Perspective Scriptures as Texts – Or More 6.1 2000 10.3366/swc.2000.6.1.78
David A. Kerr Muhammad: Prophet of Liberation – a Christian Perspective from Political Theology 6.2 2000 10.3366/swc.2000.6.2.139
Robert Cook Alternative and Complementary Theologies: the Case of Cosmic Energy with special reference to Chi 6.2 2000 10.3366/swc.2000.6.2.175
James L. Cox Spirit Mediums in Zimbabwe: Religious Experience in and on Behalf of the Community 6.2 2000 10.3366/swc.2000.6.2.190
James P. Mackey The Creator, the Scientist and the End of the World: new options for conversations between science and theology 6.2 2000 10.3366/swc.2000.6.2.208
John D’Arcy May Strange Encounters: On Transcending Violence by Transcending Difference 6.2 2000 10.3366/swc.2000.6.2.224
John McIntyre The Uses of History in Theology (In honour of A.C. Cheyne) 7.1 2001 10.3366/swc.2001.7.1.1
Guanghu He Religious Studies in China, 1978–1999 – And Their Connection with Political and Social Circumstances 7.1 2001 10.3366/swc.2001.7.1.21
Zhuo Xinping Religion and Morality in Contemporary China 7.1 2001 10.3366/swc.2001.7.1.34
Sung-Deuk Oak Shamanistic Tan’gun and Christian Hanaănim: Protestant Missionaries’ Interpretation of the Korean Founding Myth, 1895–1934 7.1 2001 10.3366/swc.2001.7.1.42
Simeon O. Ilesanmi Political and Moral Responsibility of Religion in Africa 7.1 2001 10.3366/swc.2001.7.1.58
Ezra Chitando Fact and Fiction: Images of Missionaries in Zimbabwean Literature 7.1 2001 10.3366/swc.2001.7.1.80
Daren Kemp The Christaquarians? A Sociology of Christians in the New Age 7.1 2001 10.3366/swc.2001.7.1.95
Kosuke Koyama Ecce Homo, Ecce Dharma: On the Right Use of Religions 7.2 2001 10.3366/swc.2001.7.2.151
Aruna Gnanadason Jesus and the Asian Woman: A post-colonial look at the Syro-Phoenician woman/Canaanite woman from an Indian perspective 7.2 2001 10.3366/swc.2001.7.2.162
Kenneth Fleming The Crossing of Two Ways: An Overview of the Asia Christian Encounter with Buddhism 7.2 2001 10.3366/swc.2001.7.2.178
Elom Dovlo; Samuel Sondah Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land: Christianity among Liberian Refugees in Ghana 7.2 2001 10.3366/swc.2001.7.2.199
Pan-Chiu Lai Chinese Culture and the Development of Chinese Christian Theology 7.2 2001 10.3366/swc.2001.7.2.219
Marcella Althaus-Reid In Memoriam Dr Maria Teresa Porcile Santiso: The beginning of her Gran Viaje 7.2 2001 10.3366/swc.2001.7.2.241
Naim Ateek Suicide Bombers: What Is Theologically and Morally Wrong with Suicide Bombings? A Palestinian Christian Perspective 8.1 2002 10.3366/swc.2002.8.1.5
Lamin Sanneh Sacred Truth and Secular Agency: Separate Immunity or Double Jeopardy? Sharí’ah, Nigeria, and Interfaith Prospects 8.1 2002 10.3366/swc.2002.8.1.31
Lalsangkima Pachuau Engaging the ‘Other’ in a Pluralistic World: Toward a Subaltern Hermeneutics of Christian Mission 8.1 2002 10.3366/swc.2002.8.1.63
David Kerr Christianity and Islam: ‘Clash of Civilizations’ or ‘Community of Reconciliation’? Questions for Christian–Muslim Studies 8.1 2002 10.3366/swc.2002.8.1.81
Elizabeth Koepping Spiritual Representation, Priests, and the Borneo Villager 8.1 2002 10.3366/swc.2002.8.1.99
Wong Man Kong The China Factor and Protestant Christianity in Hong Kong: Reflections from Historical Perspectives 8.1 2002 10.3366/swc.2002.8.1.115
Nick Wyatt What Has Ugarit to Do with Jerusalem? 8.1 2002 10.3366/swc.2002.8.1.138
Sr Mary John Mananzan Church-State Relationships During Martial Law in the Philippines 1972–1986 8.2 2002 10.3366/swc.2002.8.2.195
Lap Yan Kung What to Preach? Christian Witness in China, with Reference to the Party’s Policy of Mutual Accommodation 8.2 2002 10.3366/swc.2002.8.2.206
Sr Mary John Mananzan Church, State, and Establishment in the United Kingdom 8.2 2002 10.3366/swc.2002.8.2.228
Thu En Yu The Church’s Ministry of Nation Building and National Integration in Malaysia 8.2 2002 10.3366/swc.2002.8.2.244
Jooseop Keum Church, Minjung, and State: The Revival of Protestant Christianity in North Korea 8.2 2002 10.3366/swc.2002.8.2.264
Pablo Andiñach In Defence of Life 8.2 2002 10.3366/swc.2002.8.2.285
Dr Bob Robinson Lesslie Newbigin and the Christian-Hindu Encounter: A Principled Ambivalence 8.2 2002 10.3366/swc.2002.8.2.296
Martín Hugo Córdova Quero Building up Ancestors in Argentinian Popular Culture: The Cases of Santa Gilda and el Angel Rodrigo 9.1 2003 10.3366/swc.2003.9.1.5
Lung-Kwong Lo The Nature of the Issue of Ancestral Worship among Chinese Christians 9.1 2003 10.3366/swc.2003.9.1.30
James N. Amanze Christianity and Ancestor Veneration in Botswana 9.1 2003 10.3366/swc.2003.9.1.43
Naoko Komuro Christianity and Ancestor Worship in Japan 9.1 2003 10.3366/swc.2003.9.1.60
James L. Cox Contemporary Shamanism in Global Contexts: ‘Religious’ Appeals to an Archaic Tradition? 9.1 2003 10.3366/swc.2003.9.1.69
William P. Russell ‘Time Also Moves Backwards’: John Mbiti’s Traditional Concept of Time and the Future of World Christianity 9.1 2003 10.3366/swc.2003.9.1.88
Kyo Seong Ahn Christian Mission and Mongolian Identity: The Religious, Cultural, and Political Context 9.1 2003 10.3366/swc.2003.9.1.103
Lillian Craig Harris Loss and Identity Crisis: Muslim and Christian Sudanese Women in Dialogue 9.2 2003 10.3366/swc.2003.9.2.154
Stephen R. Goodwin From UN Safe Havens to Sacred Spaces: Contributions of Religious Sodalities to Peace Building and Reconciliation in Post-War Bosnia and Herzegovina 9.2 2003 10.3366/swc.2003.9.2.171
Helen Bond Paul, the Corinthians, and Reconciliation 9.2 2003 10.3366/swc.2003.9.2.189
Derick Wilson Living through Chaos, Seeking the Gaps, and Creating Spaces for Learning: Learning for a Change in Northern Ireland 9.2 2003 10.3366/swc.2003.9.2.205
Duncan Maclaren Reconciliation: Linking Spirituality with Development 9.2 2003 10.3366/swc.2003.9.2.224
Robert Kaggwa Is Reconciliation the New Model for Mission? Reflections on the Rwandan Genocide and Conflicts in the Great Lakes Region of Africa 9.2 2003 10.3366/swc.2003.9.2.244
Perry Schmidt-Leukel Buddhism and Christianity: Antagonistic or Complementary? 9.2 2003 10.3366/swc.2003.9.2.265
Clive Pearson Telling Tales: Following the Hyphenated Jesus-Christ 10.1 2004 10.3366/swc.2004.10.1.6
Afe Adogame Contesting the Ambivalences of Modernity in a Global Context: The Redeemed Christian Church of God, North America 10.1 2004 10.3366/swc.2004.10.1.25
Benjamin Simon ‘So in Christ We Who Are Many Form One Body.’ The Ecumenical Spirit of African Christians Living in a German Context from the Beginnings up to the Twenty-first Century 10.1 2004 10.3366/swc.2004.10.1.49
Seforosa Carroll Weaving New Spaces: Christological Perspectives from Oceania (Pacific) and the Oceanic Diaspora 10.1 2004 10.3366/swc.2004.10.1.72
Jehu J. Hanciles Beyond Christendom: African Migration and Transformations in Global Christianity 10.1 2004 10.3366/swc.2004.10.1.93
Gil-Soo Han Korean Christianity in Multicultural Australia: Is It Dialogical or Segregating Koreans? 10.1 2004 10.3366/swc.2004.10.1.114
Fuk-tsang Ying; Pan-chiu Lai Diasporic Chinese Communities and Protestantism in Hong Kong During the 1950s 10.1 2004 10.3366/swc.2004.10.1.136
Philomena Njeri Mwaura African Instituted Churches in East Africa 10.2 2004 10.3366/swc.2004.10.2.160
Roger E. Hedlund Indian Expressions of Indigenous Christianity 10.2 2004 10.3366/swc.2004.10.2.185
Obed Kealotswe The Rise of the African Independent Churches and Their Present Life in Botswana. Who are the African Independent Churches (AICs): Historical background 10.2 2004 10.3366/swc.2004.10.2.205
Joseph Suico Pentecostal Churches in the Philippines 10.2 2004 10.3366/swc.2004.10.2.223
Deji Isaac Ayegboyin ‘Heal the Sick and Cast out Demons’: The Response of the Aladura 10.2 2004 10.3366/swc.2004.10.2.233
Patrizia Granziera From Coatlicue to Guadalupe: The Image of the Great Mother in Mexico 10.2 2004 10.3366/swc.2004.10.2.250
J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu Anointing Through the Screen: Neo-Pentecostalism and Televised Christianity in Ghana 11.1 2005 10.3366/swc.2005.11.1.9
Sham P. Thomas; Jolyon P. Mitchell Understanding Television and Christianity in Marthoma Homes, South India 11.1 2005 10.3366/swc.2005.11.1.29
Dennis A. Smith; Leonildo Silveira Campos Christianity and Television in Guatemala and Brazil: The Pentecostal Experience 11.1 2005 10.3366/swc.2005.11.1.49
Howard Davis Mediating Religion in Post-Soviet Russia: Orthodoxy and National Identity in Broadcasting 11.1 2005 10.3366/swc.2005.11.1.65
Yam Chi-Keung Engagement in Television by Protestant Christians in Hong Kong 11.1 2005 10.3366/swc.2005.11.1.87
Jin Kyu Park ‘Are You Christian? I’m the Other’: The Demarcation of Christianity and the Other in Popular Korean Television 11.1 2005 10.3366/swc.2005.11.1.106
Stewart M. Hoover Islands in the Global Stream: Television, Religion and Geographic Integration 11.1 2005 10.3366/swc.2005.11.1.125
Kim Yong-Bock The Land as the Garden of Life 11.2 2005 10.3366/swc.2005.11.2.165
Ezra Chitando The Sacred Remnant? Church Land in Zimbabwe’s Fast Track Resettlement Programme 11.2 2005 10.3366/swc.2005.11.2.182
Vassilis Adrahtas Perceptions of Land in Indigenous Australian Christian Texts 11.2 2005 10.3366/swc.2005.11.2.200
Mark Butler; Graham Philpott Land in South Africa: Gift for all or Commodity for a few? 11.2 2005 10.3366/swc.2005.11.2.215
Simon Shui-Man Kwan From Indigenization to Contextualization: a Change in Discursive Practice rather than a Shift in Paradigm 11.2 2005 10.3366/swc.2005.11.2.236
Siu Chau Lee Towards a Theology of Church-State Relations in Contemporary Chinese Context 11.2 2005 10.3366/swc.2005.11.2.251
Knut Lundby Transforming Faith-based Education in the Church of Norway: Mediation of Religious Traditions and Practices in Digital Environments 12.1 2006 10.3366/swc.2006.0004
Xu Yihua St John’s University, Shanghai as an Evangelising Agency 12.1 2006 10.3366/swc.2006.0006
Samson Prabhakar Religious Education in Indian Contexts 12.1 2006 10.3366/swc.2006.0005
Elizabeth Koepping Hunting with the Head: Borneo Villagers Negotiating Exclusivist Religion 12.1 2006 10.3366/swc.2006.0003
Jaci Maraschin; Frederico Pieper Pires The Lord’s Song in the Brazilian Land 12.2 2006 10.3366/swc.2006.0013
Galia Sabar; Shlomit Kanari ‘I’m singing my way up’: the significance of Music amongst African Christian migrants in Israel 12.2 2006 10.3366/swc.2006.0017
Cyprian Love Glenstal Abbey, Music and The Liturgical Movement 12.2 2006 10.3366/swc.2006.0012
Abamfo Atiemo ‘Singing with Understanding’: the Story of Gospel Music in Ghana 12.2 2006 10.3366/swc.2006.0009
Peter Tze Ming Ng The Necessity of the Particular in the Globalisation of Christianity: the case of China 12.2 2006 10.3366/swc.2006.0015
Frank Makoro Caring for the Orphans in South Africa 12.3 2006 10.3366/swc.2006.0024
Bernardo Monteiro De Castro; Dagmar Silva Pinto De Castro; Renata Maria Coimbra Libório; RosâNgela Francischini The Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA) and the Construction of a New Democratic and Citizen Culture as an Instrument for the Confrontation of Violence Against Children and Adolescents – a Brief Report of the Brazilian Position 12.3 2006 10.3366/swc.2006.0019
Don Akhilomen Addressing Child Abuse in Southern Nigeria: The Role of the Church 12.3 2006 10.3366/swc.2006.0018
I. John Mohan Razu ‘Let Them Come’ – ‘Let Them Work’: Receiving/Using Children in a Globalised World 12.3 2006 10.3366/swc.2006.0026
Pan-Chiu Lai Sino-Theology, the Bible and the Christian Tradition 12.3 2006 10.3366/swc.2006.0023
Bolaj Olukemi Bateye Forging Identities: Women as Participants and Leaders in the Church among the Yoruba 13.1 2007 10.3366/swc.2007.13.1.1
Leonie B. Liveris Women, Leadership and the Orthodox Church in Australia: Always Second, Secondary or Seconded 13.1 2007 10.3366/swc.2007.13.1.13
Evangeline Anderson-Rajkumar Practicing Gender Justice as a Faith Mandate in India 13.1 2007 10.3366/swc.2007.13.1.33
Thelma Makoro The Political Emancipation of Women in South Africa and the Challenge to Leadership in the Churches 13.1 2007 10.3366/swc.2007.13.1.53
Monodeep Daniel Models of Leadership in the Indian Church: An Evaluation 13.1 2007 10.3366/swc.2007.13.1.67
George Olusola Ajibade New Wine in Old Cups: Postcolonial Performance of Christian Music in Yorùbá Land 13.2 2007 10.3366/swc.2007.13.2.105
Janice McLean Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord: Music and Songs within Pentecostal West Indian Immigrant Religious Communities in Diaspora 13.2 2007 10.3366/swc.2007.13.2.127
Margaret Gecaga The Plight of the African Child: Reflections on the Response of the Church 13.2 2007 10.3366/swc.2007.13.2.142
Lovemore Togarasei Images of Jesus among Christian Women in Harare 13.2 2007 10.3366/swc.2007.13.2.160
Jonathan D. James; Brian P. Shoesmith Masala McGospel: A Case Study of CBN’s Solutions Programme in India 13.2 2007 10.3366/swc.2007.13.2.170
Kirsteen Kim Ethereal Christianity: Reading Korean Mega-Church Websites 13.3 2007 10.3366/swc.2007.13.3.208
J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu ‘“Get on the Internet!” Says the LORD’: Religion, Cyberspace and Christianity in Contemporary Africa 13.3 2007 10.3366/swc.2007.13.3.225
Tim Hutchings Creating Church Online: A Case-Study Approach to Religious Experience 13.3 2007 10.3366/swc.2007.13.3.243
Heidi Campbell; Patricia Calderon The Question of Christian Community Online: The Case of the ‘Artist World Network’ 13.3 2007 10.3366/swc.2007.13.3.261
Peter Horsfield; Paul Teusner A Mediated Religion: Historical Perspectives on Christianity and the Internet 13.3 2007 10.3366/swc.2007.13.3.278
Cláudio Carvalhaes ‘Gimme de kneebone bent’: Liturgics, Dance, Resistance and a Hermeneutics of the Knees 14.1 2008 10.3366/E1354990108000026
Kelly Johnson-Hill Inner Exhilaration and Speaking Truth through Metaphor: An Exploration of the Theological Significance of Māfana and Heliaki in Tongan Dance 14.1 2008 10.3366/E1354990108000038
Andreas Heuser ‘He dances like Isaiah Shembe!’ Ritual Aesthetics as a Marker of Church Difference 14.1 2008 10.3366/E135499010800004X
Damaris Seleina Parsitau Sounds of Change and Reform: The Appropriation of Gospel Music and Dance in Political Discourses in Kenya 14.1 2008 10.3366/E1354990108000051
Peter Tze Ming Ng Timothy Richard: Christian Attitudes towards Other Religions and Cultures 14.1 2008 10.3366/E1354990108000063
Peter Malone From Conflict to Reconciliation in World Cinema 14.2 2008 10.3366/E1354990108000105
Dwight Friesen Showing Compassion and Suggesting Peace in Karunamayudu, an Indian Jesus Film 14.2 2008 10.3366/E1354990108000117
Jolyon Mitchell Portraying Religion and Peace in Russian Film 14.2 2008 10.3366/E1354990108000129
Alina Birzache In Search of Cinematic Holy Foolishness as a Form of Orthodox Peacemaking 14.2 2008 10.3366/E1354990108000130
Milja Radovic Resisting the Ideology of Violence in 1990s Serbian Film 14.2 2008 10.3366/E1354990108000142
Sergey Filatov Orthodoxy in Russia: Post-atheist Faith 14.3 2008 10.3366/E1354990108000233
Matthias Frenz Reflecting Christianity in Depictions of Islam: the Representation of Muslims in the Reports of the Early Royal Danish Mission at Tarangambadi, India 14.3 2008 10.3366/E1354990108000245
Plamen Sivov The Church as an Agent of Community Development in Bulgaria 14.3 2008 10.3366/E1354990108000257
Filip Ivanovic Ancient Glory and New Mission: the Serbian Orthodox Church 14.3 2008 10.3366/E1354990108000269
Carol Gallagher Native Americans: Remembrance, Reconciliation and Restoration 14.3 2008 10.3366/E1354990108000270
David Tonghou Ngong Salvation and Materialism in African Theology 15.1 2009 10.3366/E135499010900032X
Simon Shui-Man Kwan Theological Indigenisation as Anti-Colonialist Resistance: A Chinese Conception of the Christian God as a Case Study 15.1 2009 10.3366/E1354990109000331
Lovemore Togarasei The Shona Bible and the Politics of Bible Translation 15.1 2009 10.3366/E1354990109000343
Anri Morimoto Contextualised and Cumulative: Tradition, Orthodoxy and Identity from the Perspective of Asian Theology 15.1 2009 10.3366/E1354990109000355
Lap Yan Kung Love Your Enemies: A Theology for Aliens in Their Native Land: The Chin in Myanmar 15.1 2009 10.3366/E1354990109000367
Jolyon Mitchell New Directions in the Study of Film and Religion 15.2 2009 10.3366/E1354990109000434
Yam Chi-Keung Projecting Christian Faith on the Hong Kong Screen 15.2 2009 10.3366/E1354990109000446
Katrien Pype Historical Routes Towards Religious Television Fiction in Post-Mobutu Kinshasa 15.2 2009 10.3366/E1354990109000458
Jolyon Mitchell Decolonising Religion in African Film 15.2 2009 10.3366/E135499010900046X
Árni Svanur Daníelsson From State Officials to Teddy Bears: A Study of the Image of Pastors in Selected Nordic Films 15.2 2009 10.3366/E1354990109000471
Emily Manthei Beyond the Visible: The Images of Wim Wenders 15.2 2009 10.3366/E1354990109000483
Marcella Althaus-Reid: A Tribute 15.3 2009 10.3366/E1354990109000562
Christine Chaillot The Life and Situation of the Coptic Orthodox Church Today 15.3 2009 10.3366/E1354990109000574
Riad Mofarrij Renewal in the Antiochian Orthodox Church in Lebanon 15.3 2009 10.3366/E1354990109000586
Emma Loosley After the Ottomans: The Renewal of the Syrian Orthodox Church in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries<xref ref-type=”fn” rid=”fn1″><sup>1</sup></xref> 15.3 2009 10.3366/E1354990109000598
Fuad Farah Orthodox Christianity in the Holy Land 15.3 2009 10.3366/E1354990109000604
John Whooley The Armenian Apostolic Church in Armenia. The Question of Renewal 15.3 2009 10.3366/E1354990109000616
Leonard Marsh Whose Holy Land? 15.3 2009 10.3366/E1354990109000628
Nicholas Kamau-Goro African Culture and the Language of Nationalist Imagination: The Reconfiguration of Christianity in Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s The River Between and Weep Not Child 16.1 2010 10.3366/E1354990110000729
Mariam K. Deme The Supernatural in African Epic Traditions as a Reflection of the Religious Beliefs of African Societies 16.1 2010 10.3366/E1354990110000730
J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu ‘The Evil You Have Done Can Ruin the Whole Clan’: African Cosmology, Community, and Christianity in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart 16.1 2010 10.3366/E1354990110000742
Michael Perry Kweku Okyerefo Christianising Africa: A Portrait by Two African Novelists 16.1 2010 10.3366/E1354990110000754
Jane E. Soothill The Problem with ‘Women’s Empowerment’: Female Religiosity in Ghana’s Charismatic Churches 16.1 2010 10.3366/E1354990110000766
Mrinalini Sebastian Vamps and Villains or Citizen-Subjects? Converting a Third-Person Self-Conception of the Indian Christians into a First-Person Narrative 16.2 2010 10.3366/swc.2010.0001
Eunice Kamaara Towards Christian National Identity in Africa: A Historical Perspective to the Challenge of Ethnicity to the Church in Kenya 16.2 2010 10.3366/swc.2010.0002
Liu Yi From Christian Aliens to Chinese Citizens: The National Identity of Chinese Christians in the Twentieth Century 16.2 2010 10.3366/swc.2010.0003
Dodeye U. Williams Dimensions in the Construction of National Identity in Nigeria 16.2 2010 10.3366/swc.2010.0004
Angel Santiago-Vendrell Richard Shaull and the Struggle for the Identity of the WSCF 16.2 2010 10.3366/swc.2010.0005
Saad Michael Saad The Contemporary Life of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United States 16.3 2010 10.3366/swc.2010.0101
Baby Varghese Renewal in the Malankara Orthodox Church, India 16.3 2010 10.3366/swc.2010.0102
G. P. Makris The Greek Orthodox Church and Africa: Missions between the Light of Universalism and the Shadow of Nationalism 16.3 2010 10.3366/swc.2010.0103
John Takahashi The Beginning of the Orthodox Church in Japan: The Long-Lasting Legacy of Saint Nicholai 16.3 2010 10.3366/swc.2010.0104
Stephen Hayes Orthodox Diaspora and Mission in South Africa 16.3 2010 10.3366/swc.2010.0105
Michelle Sungshin Lim Adversity and Advance: The Experience of the Orthodox Church of Korea 16.3 2010 10.3366/swc.2010.0106
Joachim Persoon The Planting of the Tabot on European Soil: The Trajectory of Ethiopian Orthodox Involvement with the European Continent 16.3 2010 10.3366/swc.2010.0107
Darío López Rodríguez The God of Life and the Spirit of Life: The Social and Political Dimension of Life in the Spirit 17.1 2011 10.3366/swc.2011.0002
Francis Machingura The Significance of Glossolalia in the Apostolic Faith Mission, Zimbabwe 17.1 2011 10.3366/swc.2011.0003
Cephas N. Omenyo Man of God Prophesy Unto Me: The Prophetic Phenomenon in African Christianity 17.1 2011 10.3366/swc.2011.0004
Jacob D. Dodson Gifted for Change: The Evolving Vision for Tongues, Prophecy, and Other Charisms in American Pentecostal Churches 17.1 2011 10.3366/swc.2011.0005
Brian Stanley Edinburgh and World Christianity 17.1 2011 10.3366/swc.2011.0006
Afe Adogame Professor Alexander Alistair Kee: A TRIBUTE! 17.2 2011 10.3366/swc.2011.0013
Kelly J. Baker Getting Rapture Ready: The Materiality of the Rapture in North America 17.2 2011 10.3366/swc.2011.0015
Oksana Victoria Luka On Western Ukrainian Iconographic Practice 17.2 2011 10.3366/swc.2011.0016
Ryan Torma; Paul Emerson Teusner iReligion 17.2 2011 10.3366/swc.2011.0017
Stephen Garner Morningside for Life!: Contextual Theology Meets Animated Television in bro’Town 17.2 2011 10.3366/swc.2011.0018
Peter Horsfield; Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu What is it about the Book? Semantic and Material Dimensions in the Mediation of the Word of God 17.2 2011 10.3366/swc.2011.0019
Anri Morimoto Asian Theology in the Ablative Case 17.3 2011 10.3366/swc.2011.0025
Tobias Brandner Trying to Make Sense of History: Chinese Christian Traditions of Countercultural Belief and their Theological and Political Interpretation of Past and Present History 17.3 2011 10.3366/swc.2011.0026
Lap Yan Kung The Trinity, the Church, and China’s Harmonious Society: <break></break>A Politics of Persuasion 17.3 2011 10.3366/swc.2011.0027
Anderson H. M. Jeremiah Dalit Christians in India: Reflections from the ‘Broken Middle’ 17.3 2011 10.3366/swc.2011.0028
Elijah Obinna Bridging the Divide: The Legacies of Mary Slessor, ‘Queen’ of Calabar, Nigeria 17.3 2011 10.3366/swc.2011.0029
Deanna Ferree Womack Lubnani, Libanais, Lebanese: Missionary Education, Language Policy and Identity Formation in Modern Lebanon 18.1 2012 10.3366/swc.2012.0003
Terry Lautz Christian Higher Education in China: The Life of Francis C. M. Wei 18.1 2012 10.3366/swc.2012.0004
Dyron Daughrity Bishop Stephen Neill, the IMC and the State of African Theological Education in 1950 18.1 2012 10.3366/swc.2012.0005
Jan Bender Shetler Historical Memory and Expanding Social Networks of Mennonite Mission School Women, Mara Region, Tanzania, 1938 to the Present 18.1 2012 10.3366/swc.2012.0006
J. J. Carney ‘Far from having unity, we are tending towards total disunity’: The Catholic Major Seminary in Rwanda, 1950–62 18.1 2012 10.3366/swc.2012.0007
David W. Kim What Shall I Read? How Korean Christians in Diaspora Read the Hebrew Canon 18.2 2012 10.3366/swc.2012.0011
Emma Wild-Wood Powerful Words: Reading the Diary of a Ganda Priest 18.2 2012 10.3366/swc.2012.0012
Duncan Fisher; Jolyon Mitchell Portraying Forgiveness through Documentary Film 18.2 2012 10.3366/swc.2012.0013
Pum Za Mang Burman, Burmanisation and Betrayal 18.2 2012 10.3366/swc.2012.0014
Francis Khek Gee Lim Mediating Christianity in Contemporary Asia 18.2 2012 10.3366/swc.2012.0015
R. G. Tiedemann Protestant Revivals in China with Particular Reference to Shandong Province 18.3 2012 10.3366/swc.2012.0022
Daryl R. Ireland Becoming Modern Women: Creating a New Female Identity through John Sung’s Evangelistic Teams 18.3 2012 10.3366/swc.2012.0023
Jason Bruner Public Confession and the Moral Universe of the East African Revival 18.3 2012 10.3366/swc.2012.0024
Sung-Deuk Oak Major Protestant Revivals in Korea, 1903–35 18.3 2012 10.3366/swc.2012.0025
Rebecca Y. Kim; Sharon Kim Revival and Renewal: Korean American Protestants beyond Immigrant Enclaves 18.3 2012 10.3366/swc.2012.0026
Retief Müller Historiography and Cross-cultural Research into African Indigenous Christianity (AIC): A Challenge to Human Dignity 19.1 2013 10.3366/swc.2013.0035
James L. Cox A Response to Retief Müller 19.1 2013 10.3366/swc.2013.0036
Vicki L. Brennan ‘Up Above the River Jordan’: Hymns and Historical Consciousness in the Cherubim and Seraphim Churches of Nigeria 19.1 2013 10.3366/swc.2013.0037
Cephas N. Omenyo; Wonderful Adjei Arthur The Bible Says! Neo-Prophetic Hermeneutics in Africa 19.1 2013 10.3366/swc.2013.0038
Adam Clark Against Invisibility: Negritude and the Awakening of the African Voice in Theology 19.1 2013 10.3366/swc.2013.0039
Babatunde Adedibu Origin, Migration, Globalisation and the Missionary Encounter of Britain’s Black Majority Churches 19.1 2013 10.3366/swc.2013.0040
Alexander Chow The East Asian Rediscovery of ‘Sin’ 19.2 2013 10.3366/swc.2013.0048
Nico Vorster Christianity and Secularisation in South Africa: Probing the Possible Link between Modernisation and Secularisation 19.2 2013 10.3366/swc.2013.0049
J. N. K. Mugambi Missionary Presence in Interreligious Encounters and Relationships 19.2 2013 10.3366/swc.2013.0050
Yvonne Haddad Good Copt, Bad Copt: Competing Narratives on Coptic Identity in Egypt and the United States 19.3 2013 10.3366/swc.2013.0058
Francis Machingura ‘A woman should learn in quietness and full submission’ (1 Timothy 2: 11): Empowering Women in the Fight against Masculine Readings of Biblical Texts and a Chauvinistic African Culture in the Face of HIV and AIDS 19.3 2013 10.3366/swc.2013.0059
Elizabeth Koepping Spousal Violence among Christians: Taiwan, South Australia and Ghana 19.3 2013 10.3366/swc.2013.0060
Paul Grant Dying German in Ghana: The Basel Mission Wrestles with Grief, 1830–1918 20.1 2014 10.3366/swc.2014.0068
Michèle Miller Sigg Carrying Living Water for the Healing of God’s People: Women Leaders in the Fifohazana Revival and the Reformed Church in Madagascar 20.1 2014 10.3366/swc.2014.0069
Marina Ngursangzeli Behera Mizo Beliefs and the Christian Gospel: Their Interaction with Reference to the Concepts of Health and Healing 20.1 2014 10.3366/swc.2014.0070
Bill McCoy Leprosy, Piety and Identity: The Mbuluzi Leprosy Hospital as Informal Pilgrimage Site, 1948–82 20.1 2014 10.3366/swc.2014.0071
J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu Therapeutic Strategies in African Religions: Health, Herbal Medicines and Indigenous Christian Spirituality 20.1 2014 10.3366/swc.2014.0072
Enrico Beltramini Can One Person Belong to Two Faiths? The Experience of Three Catholic Monks 20.2 2014 10.3366/swc.2014.0081
Carl S. Kilcourse Son of God, Brother of Jesus: Interpreting the Theological Claims of the Chinese Revolutionary Hong Xiuquan 20.2 2014 10.3366/swc.2014.0082
Kwok Wai Luen The Christ-human and Jia Yuming’s Doctrine of Sanctification: A Case Study in the Confucianisation of Chinese Fundamentalist Christianity 20.2 2014 10.3366/swc.2014.0083
Ian J. Shaw What Has Glasgow to Do with Nairobi? The Churches and Rapid Urban Growth in Twentieth-Century Nairobi: A Comparison with Nineteenth-Century Glasgow 20.2 2014 10.3366/swc.2014.0084
Philip Dorroll Christian Polemic and the Nature of the Sensual: Depicting Islam in Arabic Christian Theology 20.3 2014 10.3366/swc.2014.0092
Ankur Barua Interreligious Dialogue, Comparative Theology and the Alterity of Hindu Thought 20.3 2014 10.3366/swc.2014.0093
Paul P. Mariani China’s ‘Christian General’ Feng Yuxiang, the Evangelist Jonathan Goforth and the Changde Revival of 1919 20.3 2014 10.3366/swc.2014.0094
Adriaan van Klinken Homosexuality, Politics and Pentecostal Nationalism in Zambia 20.3 2014 10.3366/swc.2014.0095
Alice T. Ott The ‘Peculiar Case’ of Betsey Stockton: Gender, Race and the Role of an Assistant Missionary to the Sandwich Islands (1822–1825) 21.1 2015 10.3366/swc.2015.0102
Joanne Davis Family Trees: Roots and Branches – The Dynasty and Legacy of the Reverend Tiyo Soga 21.1 2015 10.3366/swc.2015.0103
Elizabeth Underwood Enlisting the Family in Missions to Korea 21.1 2015 10.3366/swc.2015.0104
Gloria S. Tseng Bathsheba as an Object Lesson: Gender, Modernity and Biblical Examples in Wang Mingdao’s Sermons and Writings 21.1 2015 10.3366/swc.2015.0105
Andrew E. Barnes ‘Making Good Wives and Mothers’: The African Education Group and Missionary Reactions to the Phelps Stokes Reports 21.1 2015 10.3366/swc.2015.0106
Ole Jakob Løland The Position of the Biblical Canon in Brazil: From Catholic Rediscovery to Neo-Pentecostal Marginalisation 21.2 2015 10.3366/swc.2015.0113
Toomas Gross Religion and Respeto: The Role and Value of Respect in Social Relations in Rural Oaxaca 21.2 2015 10.3366/swc.2015.0114
Aminta Arrington Christian Hymns as Theological Mediator: The Lisu of South-west China and Their Music 21.2 2015 10.3366/swc.2015.0115
Todd Statham Teetotalism in Malawian Protestantism: Missionary Origins, African Appropriation 21.2 2015 10.3366/swc.2015.0116
Frieder Ludwig Football, Culture and Religion: Varieties of Interaction 21.3 2015 10.3366/swc.2015.0124
Andrew Parker; Nick J. Watson Sport, Celebrity and Religion: Christianity, Morality and the Tebow Phenomenon 21.3 2015 10.3366/swc.2015.0125
J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu Christianity and Sports: Religious Functionaries and Charismatic Prophets in Ghana Soccer 21.3 2015 10.3366/swc.2015.0126
Nick J. Watson; Andrew Parker The Mystical and Sublime in Extreme Sports: Experiences of Psychological Well-Being or Christian Revelation? 21.3 2015 10.3366/swc.2015.0127
Eva M. Pascal Buddhist Monks and Christian Friars: Religious and Cultural Exchange in the Making of Buddhism 22.1 2016 10.3366/swc.2016.0134
Deanna Ferree Womack Images of Islam: American Missionary and Arab Perspectives 22.1 2016 10.3366/swc.2016.0135
K. Kale Yu Korea’s Confucian Culture of Learning as a Gateway to Christianity: Protestant Missions in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries 22.1 2016 10.3366/swc.2016.0136
Maud Michaud The Missionary and the Anthropologist: The Intellectual Friendship and Scientific Collaboration of the Reverend John Roscoe (CMS) and James G. Frazer, 1896–1932 22.1 2016 10.3366/swc.2016.0137
Stephanie Marie Wong A Society Apart: Rural Chinese Catholics and the Historiography of ‘Otherness’ 22.2 2016 10.3366/swc.2016.0144
Danny Hsu Contextualising ‘Sin’ in Chinese Culture: A Historian’s Perspective 22.2 2016 10.3366/swc.2016.0145
David Woodbridge Watchman Nee, Chinese Christianity and the Global Search for the Primitive Church 22.2 2016 10.3366/swc.2016.0146
Pum Za Mang Buddhist Nationalism and Burmese Christianity 22.2 2016 10.3366/swc.2016.0147
Andrew F. Walls Eschatology and the Western Missionary Movement 22.3 2016 10.3366/swc.2016.0155
Alexander Chow Eschatology and World Christianity 22.3 2016 10.3366/swc.2016.0156
Emily Dunn Reincarnated Religion? The Eschatology of the Church of Almighty God in Comparative Perspective 22.3 2016 10.3366/swc.2016.0157
Josiah Baker Native American Contributions to a Christian Theology of Space 22.3 2016 10.3366/swc.2016.0158
Arun W. Jones Indian Christians and the Appropriation of Western Civilisation in the Nineteenth Century 23.1 2017 10.3366/swc.2017.0166
Marina Xiaojing Wang The Evolution of the Ecumenical Vision in the Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Context: A Case Study of the Church of Christ in China (1927–1937) 23.1 2017 10.3366/swc.2017.0167
Chris White Appropriating Christian History in Fujian: Red Tourism Meets the Cross 23.1 2017 10.3366/swc.2017.0168
T. Jack Thompson Religion and Mythology in the Chilembwe Rising of 1915 in Nyasaland and the Easter Rising of 1916 in Ireland: Preparing for the End Times? 23.1 2017 10.3366/swc.2017.0169
Jesse Zink Women and Religion in Sudan’s Civil War: Singing through Conflict 23.1 2017 10.3366/swc.2017.0170
Jackson Wu If We Say Chinese Have No Sin, We Deceive Ourselves: A Rejoinder to Hsu’s ‘Contextualising “Sin” in Chinese Culture’ 23.1 2017 10.3366/swc.2017.0171
Danny Hsu Much Ado About Nothing? A Reply to Jackson Wu 23.1 2017 10.3366/swc.2017.0172
Michel Chambon The Action of Christian Buildings on their Chinese Environment 23.2 2017 10.3366/swc.2017.0179
Xinzi Rao Revisiting Chinese-ness: A Transcultural Exploration of Chinese Christians in Germany 23.2 2017 10.3366/swc.2017.0180
Shiun-wey Huang Deprivation, Compensation and Religion: The Rise and Fall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Han Chinese Dominant Chishang Township, Eastern Taiwan 23.2 2017 10.3366/swc.2017.0181
Ximian Xu The Sage of Sages: T. C. Chao’s Christology in Yesu Zhuan 23.2 2017 10.3366/swc.2017.0182
Frederick J. Glover Friends, Foes and Partners: The Relationship between the Canadian Missionaries and Korean Christians in North-eastern Korea and Manchuria from 1898 until 1927 23.3 2017 10.3366/swc.2017.0192
David Killingray Transatlantic Networks of Early African Pentecostalism: The Role of Thomas Brem Wilson, 1901–1929 23.3 2017 10.3366/swc.2017.0193
Joseph Bosco Bangura Charismatic Movements, State Relations and Public Governance in Sierra Leone 23.3 2017 10.3366/swc.2017.0194
Victor Thasiah Prophetic Pedagogy: Critically Engaging Public Officials in Rwanda 23.3 2017 10.3366/swc.2017.0195
Ciprian Burlacioiu Russian Orthodox Diaspora as a Global Religion after 1918 24.1 2018 10.3366/swc.2018.0202
Abraham Nana Opare Kwakye Returning African Christians in Mission to the Gold Coast 24.1 2018 10.3366/swc.2018.0203
Tim Geysbeek From Sasstown to Zaria: Tom Coffee and the Kru Origins of the Soudan Interior Mission, 1893–1895 24.1 2018 10.3366/swc.2018.0204
Retief Müller War, Exilic Pilgrimage and Mission: South Africa’s Dutch Reformed Church in the Early Twentieth Century 24.1 2018 10.3366/swc.2018.0205
Brian Stanley In memoriam: Dr T. Jack Thompson (1943–2017) 24.1 2018 10.3366/swc.2018.0206
Zexi (Jesse) Sun Translating the Christian Moral Message: Reading Liang Fa’s Good Words to Admonish the Age in the Tradition of Morality Books 24.2 2018 10.3366/swc.2018.0215
Gary McKee Benjamin Bailey and the Call for the Conversion of an Ancient Christian Church in India 24.2 2018 10.3366/swc.2018.0216
Alice T. Ott The ‘Faithful Deacon’ and the ‘Good Layman’: The First Converts of the UMCA and Their Responses to Mission Christianity 24.2 2018 10.3366/swc.2018.0217
Daewon Moon Testimony and Fellowship for a Continuous Conversion in the East African Revival 24.2 2018 10.3366/swc.2018.0218
Pum Za Mang The Politics of Religious Conversion among the Ethnic Chin in Burma 24.3 2018 10.3366/swc.2018.0227
Anna Hager The Orthodox Issue in Jordan: The Struggle for an Arab and Orthodox Identity 24.3 2018 10.3366/swc.2018.0228
Wai Luen Kwok Seeking Justice in the Midst of War: The Experience of War for Chinese Christians as Revealed in The True Light Review, 1937–1941 24.3 2018 10.3366/swc.2018.0229
Liam Miller Christification of the Least: Potential for Christology and Discipleship 24.3 2018 10.3366/swc.2018.0230
Corey L. Williams Chrislam, Accommodation and the Politics of Religious Bricolage in Nigeria 25.1 2019 10.3366/swc.2019.0239
Deanna Ferree Womack Syrian Christians and Arab-Islamic Identity: Expressions of Belonging in the Ottoman Empire and America 25.1 2019 10.3366/swc.2019.0240
Briana Wong Buddhist-Christians in Cambodian America 25.1 2019 10.3366/swc.2019.0241
Raimundo C. Barreto Brazil’s Black Christianity and the Counter-hegemonic Production of Knowledge in World Christianity 25.1 2019 10.3366/swc.2019.0242
Kenneth Ofula ‘The River Between’: Negotiating Dual Identities in the Anglican Churches of Kenya 25.1 2019 10.3366/swc.2019.0243
Geoffrey Troughton Scripture, Piety and the Practice of Peace in Nineteenth-Century New Zealand Missions 25.2 2019 10.3366/swc.2019.0253
Alan M. Guenther Ghazals, Bhajans and Hymns: Hindustani Christian Music in Nineteenth-Century North India 25.2 2019 10.3366/swc.2019.0254
María Eugenia Cornou Formative Worship ‘at the End of the World’: The Worship Practices of Methodists, Baptists and Plymouth Brethren in the Emergence of Protestantism in Argentina, 1867–1930 25.2 2019 10.3366/swc.2019.0255
Edward Allen The Form and Function of Prayer in the Student Volunteer Movement, 1886–1914 25.2 2019 10.3366/swc.2019.0256
Aminta Arrington From Missionary Translation to Local Theological Inquiry: A Narrative History of the Lisu Bible 25.2 2019 10.3366/swc.2019.0257
Mark McLeister Worship, Technology and Identity: A Deaf Protestant Congregation in Urban China 25.2 2019 10.3366/swc.2019.0258
Andrew F. Walls In Memoriam: Professor Lamin O. Sanneh (1942–2019) 25.2 2019 10.3366/swc.2019.0259
Valentina Ciciliot The Origins of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the United States: Early Developments in Indiana and Michigan and the Reactions of the Ecclesiastical Authorities 25.3 2019 10.3366/swc.2019.0267
John Maiden The Emergence of Catholic Charismatic Renewal ‘in a Country’: Australia and Transnational Catholic Charismatic Renewal 25.3 2019 10.3366/swc.2019.0268
Thao Nguyen Resistance, Negotiation and Development: The Roman Catholic Church in Vietnam, 1954–2010 25.3 2019 10.3366/swc.2019.0269
Jennifer Snow The Christian Home in Missional Transition 25.3 2019 10.3366/swc.2019.0270
Soojin Chung Mother of Transracial Adoption: Pearl Buck’s Special Needs Adoption and American Self-criticism 25.3 2019 10.3366/swc.2019.0271
Elizabeth S. Marteijn The Politics of Interpretation: Understanding Biblical History in Palestinian Rural Culture 26.1 2020 10.3366/swc.2020.0279
Sun Yong Lee Protestant ‘Indian Mission’ Work in Guatemala from a Woman Missionary’s Perspective: Dora Burgess (1887–1962) 26.1 2020 10.3366/swc.2020.0280
Yucheng Bai God’s Model Citizen: The Citizenship Education Movement of the YMCA and Its Political Legacy 26.1 2020 10.3366/swc.2020.0281
Daniel Qin Samuel Lamb’s Exhortation Regarding Eternal Rewards: A Socio-Political Perspective 26.1 2020 10.3366/swc.2020.0282
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Usha Reifsnider Transcultural Insights into the Christian Conversion of British Gujarati Hindus 26.2 2020 10.3366/swc.2020.0292
I Sil Yoon Korean Christian Students’ Adaptation and Integration in British Society: Their Identity Formation and Negotiation Processes 26.2 2020 10.3366/swc.2020.0293
Travis L. Myers Misperceptions and Identities Mis-taken: Interpreting Various Hostilities Encountered by Moravians in Colonial New York and Pennsylvania 26.2 2020 10.3366/swc.2020.0294
Nico Vorster Navigating Plural Identities in the South African Participatory Democracy: A Reformed Grammar for Public Dialogue 26.2 2020 10.3366/swc.2020.0295
Emma Wild-Wood Obituary: James P. Mackey (1934—2020) 26.2 2020 10.3366/swc.2020.0296
Adam Mohr Faith Tabernacle Congregation, the 1918–19 Influenza Pandemic and Classical Pentecostalism in Colonial West Africa 26.3 2020 10.3366/swc.2020.0307
Joshua Dao Wei Sim Compliant Singaporean Christians? State-Centred Christian Responses to COVID-19 in a Single-Party Dominant State 26.3 2020 10.3366/swc.2020.0308
Rhoderick John Suarez Abellanosa The Church as a Sacrament in a Time of Pandemic: The Philippine Experience 26.3 2020 10.3366/swc.2020.0309
Briana Wong Longing for Home: The Impact of COVID-19 on Cambodian Evangelical Life 26.3 2020 10.3366/swc.2020.0310
Alexander Chow; Jonas Kurlberg Two or Three Gathered Online: Asian and European Responses to COVID-19 and the Digital Church 26.3 2020 10.3366/swc.2020.0311
Yinxuan Huang; Kristin Aune; Mathew Guest COVID-19 and the Chinese Christian Community in Britain: Changing Patterns of Belonging and Division 27.1 2021 10.3366/swc.2021.0323
Allan Novaes The End Has (Not Yet) Come: The 1918 Spanish Flu and the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Brazilian Seventh-day Adventist Bulletin 27.1 2021 10.3366/swc.2021.0324
Emmanuel Chiwetalu Ossai ‘It is the antichrist. Can’t you see?’ Perceptions of COVID-19 among Nigeria’s Christians and the Religion—Health Debate 27.1 2021 10.3366/swc.2021.0325
Emma Wild-Wood; Liz Grant; Babatunde Adedibu; Alan Barnard; Aloys Ojore; Yossa Way The Public Role of Churches in Early Responses to COVID-19 in Africa: Snapshots from Nigeria, Congo, Kenya and South Africa 27.1 2021 10.3366/swc.2021.0326
Amy Yu Fu Religious Rivalry in the Seventeenth Century: A Buddhist–Christian Case in China 27.2 2021 10.3366/swc.2021.0338
Kevin Xiyi Yao The Hunan Bible Institute (Biola-in-China): A Stronghold of Fundamentalist Bible Training in China, 1916—1952 27.2 2021 10.3366/swc.2021.0339
Ximian Xu The Scientific Calling of the Church: Herman Bavinck’s Exhortation for the Churches in Mainland China 27.2 2021 10.3366/swc.2021.0340
Jason Lam Reading Bonhoeffer amid the Hong Kong Protests 27.2 2021 10.3366/swc.2021.0341
Ching Su Robert Morrison and the Anglo-Chinese College 27.3 2021 10.3366/swc.2021.0350
R. G. Tiedemann† Early Nineteenth-Century ‘Murmurings and Disputings’ in the Ultra-Ganges Missions 27.3 2021 10.3366/swc.2021.0351
P. Richard Bohr Liang Fa: Pioneer Chinese Protestant Evangelist 27.3 2021 10.3366/swc.2021.0352
Ryan Dunch Protestant Publishing in Chinese at the Anglo-Chinese College, Malacca, 1818–1843 27.3 2021 10.3366/swc.2021.0353
Archie C. C. Lee Revisiting the Bible Translation of Robert Morrison and William Milne 27.3 2021 10.3366/swc.2021.0354
Lars Peter Laamann Prof. Rolf Gerhard Tiedemann (狄德滿), 1941—2019 27.3 2021 10.3366/swc.2021.0355
Frida Mannerfelt From the Amphitheatre to Twitter: Cultivating Secondary Orality in Dialogue with Female Preachers 28.1 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0368
Yun Zhou Singing a New Song: Christian Musical Literature for Chinese Women in the Republican Era 28.1 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0369
Rathiulung Elias KC Performing Heritage, Theology and ‘Land’ in the Lujam Songs of the Rongmei Nagas of North-east India 28.1 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0370
Christian Tsekpoe Changing Metaphors in African Theologies: Influences from Digital Cultures 28.1 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0371
Agana-Nsiire Agana Rethinking African Theology in Light of Emerging Digital Culture 28.1 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0372
Johannes Merz Jesus Films for World Evangelisation: Dubbing Dissonance and Bible Transmediation 28.1 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0373
Emma Wild-Wood In Memoriam: Professor Andrew Finlay Walls OBE (1928–2021) 28.1 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0374
Andrew Finlay Walls The Break-up of Early World Christianity and the Great Ecumenical Failure 28.2 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0387
Shobana Shankar A Missing Link: African Christian Resonances in the Rise of Indian Muslim and Hindu Missions 28.2 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0388
Sheng Ping Guo From ‘Sacrificing to Ancestors’ (jizu) to ‘Reverencing Ancestors’ (jingzu): Bread of Life Christianity’s Cultural Negotiation between Christianity and Confucianism for a Hybrid Identity 28.2 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0389
Nathan Irmiya Elawa ‘The Eliminated Gods’: The Christian Reconfiguration of Jukun Theism 28.2 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0390
Ruth Amwe; Byung Ho Choi The Making and Shaping of World Christianity: Commemorating the Legacies of Andrew F. Walls and Ogbu U. Kalu 28.2 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0391
Rima Nasrallah; Ronelle Sonnenberg Maronite Liturgy as a Developmental Space for Its Emerging Adults in Lebanon 28.3 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0400
John S. Munayer; Samuel S. Munayer Decolonising Palestinian Liberation Theology: New Methods, Sources and Voices 28.3 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0401
Anna Hager The Syriac Orphanage and School in Beirut: Building an Elite Transnational Syriac Identity 28.3 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0402
Sotiris Roussos; Stavros Drakoularakos Christians in Syria and Iraq: From Co-optation to Militarisation Strategies 28.3 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0403
David Killingray Black Diaspora Christian Activity in Britain from the Late Eighteenth Century to 1950 28.3 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0404
Ladislav Charouz ‘Returning to the faith of our forefathers’: The Role of Historical Consciousness in Shaping Christian Missionary Work in Nineteenth-Century Taiwan 28.3 2022 10.3366/swc.2022.0405
Ma. Adeinev M. Reyes-Espiritu A Hopeful Gamble: Living the Faith as Migrant Workers and Transnational Mothers 29.1 2023 10.3366/swc.2023.0416
Ruth Vida Amwe ‘Womanhood on the Streets’: African Women at the Crossroads of Religious Violence and Social Justice 29.1 2023 10.3366/swc.2023.0417
Sinenhlanhla S. Chisale Sacred Spaces and Disability: African Women Theology of Disability as Pastoral Praxis 29.1 2023 10.3366/swc.2023.0418
Eve Parker Contemplating the Lived Theology of the Devadāsīs as Decolonial Epistemology in World Christianity 29.1 2023 10.3366/swc.2023.0419
Jessie Fubara-Manuel Interview with Dr Fulata Lusungu Moyo 29.1 2023 10.3366/swc.2023.0420
Kyama Mugambi The Gospel beyond the West: The Sanneh–Walls Legacy and Emerging Conversation Partners in World Christianity Studies 29.2 2023 10.3366/swc.2023.0430
Jackie Jia Chyi Hwang Longing for Belonging: Forwarding Andrew Walls’ Thoughts on Migration and Mission through an Ethnographic Study on Diasporic Chinese in Singapore’s Christian Communities 29.2 2023 10.3366/swc.2023.0431
John Sampson Unearthing Treasure in Clay Jars: T. C. Chao and the Formation of Chinese Dogmatic Theology 29.2 2023 10.3366/swc.2023.0432
Klaus Koschorke; Adrian Hermann ‘Beyond their own dwellings’: The Emergence of a Transregional and Transcontinental Indigenous Christian Public Sphere in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries 29.2 2023 10.3366/swc.2023.0433
Aloys Otieno Ojore Encounter with Magesa: A Tribute to Professor Laurenti Magesa (1946–2022) 29.2 2023 10.3366/swc.2023.0434
J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu ‘Bless and do not curse’: Weaponisation of the Spoken Word in African Pentecostal/Charismatic Christianity 29.3 2023 10.3366/swc.2023.0444
Dingjian Xie Creation and the Great Parent: The Thought of Yang Tingyun, a Chinese Christian in Late Ming China 29.3 2023 10.3366/swc.2023.0445
Diana Lunkwitz Hunting, Planting and Malaria: How Cameroonian Ecosystems Changed the Basel Missionaries’ Worldviews 30.1 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0455
Moritz Fischer ‘The Trees are the Clothes of the Church’: Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church-Forests as Spiritual Spaces of Resilience against Climate Change? 30.1 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0456
Gregory Conarroe ‘Even the Stones Will Cry Out’: Native American Cosmology, Theological Anthropology and the Mission of Creation 30.1 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0457
David Lewis Problematising Hierarchy and Dualism for Ecological Concern: Johnsen’s Decolonial Methodology in Defence of Non-Hierarchical Worldmaking 30.1 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0458
Isis Ibrahim Missiology Meets Ecotheology: Creation Faith in an Intercultural Perspective 30.1 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0459
Julius Kithinji Climate Change in the Context of World Christianity: Listening to African Voices 30.1 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0460
Billy J Zorinthara Spirit in Creation: Mizo Primal Cosmology and Its Implications for Anthropogenic Climate Change Concern 30.1 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0461
Jossi Jacob Ponodath The Dynamics between the Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Polity in Modern Ethiopia and Its Role in Establishing Peace in the Country 30.2 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0467
Anonymous The Challenges of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Leadership in the Restoration of Peace and Stability in Ethiopia 30.2 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0468
John Binns How Churches Can Become Trapped by Violence and Hatred: The Example of Italy in Ethiopia 30.2 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0469
Bruno Husquinet The Tradition of Russian Independent Theological Thought: A Complex Interplay between Believers, the Orthodox Church and the State in the Case of the Conflict in Ukraine 30.2 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0470
Anthony Govorov The Motives of the Russian War on Ukraine: Corruption, Empire, Philosophy, Raison d’état and Religion 30.2 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0471
Yuri Stoyanov Eastern Orthodox War Justification and Ecclesial Dilemmas Arising from the War in Ukraine 30.2 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0472
Evangelos Thiani The Russian Orthodox Church in Africa – For Political or Ecclesial Reasons? 30.2 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0473
Eduardo Ángel Cruz Entangled Sainthood: Imperial Canonisations and the Invention of Saints in Colonial Latin America 30.3 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0480
Joseph Florez Pentecostal Eschatology, Public Discourse and Political Engagement in Chile 30.3 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0481
Christina Vital da Cunha Pentecostal Culture and Imaginaries about Jews and Israel in Favelas: The Case of Complexo de Israel (Rio de Janeiro) 30.3 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0482
Maria Bargo Traditionalist Catholicism: The Case of the Society of Saint Pius X in Argentina 30.3 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0483
Paul Freston; Pedro Feitoza An Interview with Paul Freston 30.3 2024 10.3366/swc.2024.0484