Studies in World Christianity 20.1

Christian Healing and Christian Dying

Studies in World ChristianityThe five papers published in the latest issue of Studies in World Christianity were all originally presented at the twenty-third meeting of the Yale–Edinburgh Group on the History of the Missionary Movement and World Christianity, held at Yale Divinity School from 27 to 29 June 2013. The theme of the conference was ‘Health, Healing, and Medicine in the History of Christian Missions and World Christianity’. The five papers selected for publication relate to this theme in a rich variety of ways.

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About Brian Stanley

Brian Stanley read history at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and stayed on in Cambridge for his PhD on the place of missionary enthusiasm in Victorian religion. He has taught in theological colleges and universities in London, Bristol, and Cambridge, and from 1996 to 2001 was Director of the Currents in World Christianity Project in the University of Cambridge. He was a Fellow of St Edmund's Collge, Cambridge, from 1996 to 2008, and joined the University of Edinburgh in January 2009.

One thought on “Studies in World Christianity 20.1

  1. These are great to interact with, thanks. As a Pentecostal, we have at times had our extremes (and continue to do so) but it is good to really consider the Theological, Practical and Social implications, personally, locally and globally.

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