The Scottish Church History Society’s autumn conference will be on the theme of ‘Scottish Christianity and the World’ and will take place in the Edinburgh Theological Seminary on Saturday 2 November 2019. We are delighted to have secured keynote papers from two leading scholars in the field. Boston University’s Professor Dana Robert will speak on “Fulfilment Theory and Friendship: Scottish Missionary Engagement with India, c. 1910-”, while the University of Edinburgh’s Professor Brian Stanley’s paper is entitled “From James Legge to Evangeline Edwards: The Role of Scottish and Other Missionaries in the Formation of Sinology in Britain”.
We welcome proposals for twenty-minute papers on any aspect of the conference theme – ‘Scottish Christianity and the World’ – from postgraduate students, early career researchers, and independent or established scholars. Relevant topics may include the ideas and reception of Scottish theologians (of any era), Scotland’s activities in medieval Europe, her participation in or contribution towards the continental Reformation, or Scottish missionary activity overseas. Speakers are encouraged to interpret the theme broadly. No one period will receive precedence; proposals will be assessed according to their novelty, appeal, and relevance to the theme. Interdisciplinary approaches are also encouraged – art, economic, gender, literary, legal, political, and social historians are welcome to apply.
Abstracts of no more than 250 words and a short biographical note should be attached as a Word document in an email to the Society’s secretary, Dr Laura Mair, at schssec@outlook.com by Sunday 29 September.
The ticket cost, which includes lunch, is heavily subsidised by the Society and includes a student or unwaged rate. Tickets can be booked through Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/scottish-christianity-and-the-world-tickets-66868967883
The full conference programme will be made available in early October.