Scottish Christianity and the World – Call for Papers

The Scottish Church History Society’s autumn conference will be on the theme of ‘Scottish Christianity and the World’ and will take place in the Edinburgh Theological Seminary on Saturday 2 November 2019. We are delighted to have secured keynote papers from two leading scholars in the field. Boston University’s Professor Dana Robert will speak on “Fulfilment Theory and Friendship: Scottish Missionary Engagement with India, c. 1910-”, while the University of Edinburgh’s Professor Brian Stanley’s paper is entitled “From James Legge to Evangeline Edwards: The Role of Scottish and Other Missionaries in the Formation of Sinology in Britain”.

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WCC Invites Contributions to Mark 70th Anniversary – Call for Papers

Stephen G. Brown, editor of The Ecumenical Review, magazine published by the World Council of Churches.

In marking its 70th anniversary this year, the World Council of Churches invites contributions to its quarterly journal, the Ecumenical Review. Submissions from students and early-career researchers and theologians are especially encouraged.

According to the WCC’s general secretary, the Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tviets, ‘this is an opportunity to mark the achievements of the past 70 years in working for Christian unity and common action, and to look to the challenges ahead as a fellowship of churches responding to God’s call for unity, mission, justice and peace.’

The deadline for submissions is 31 May 2018. Continue reading

Scripture, Prayer, and Worship – Call for Papers

Scripture, Prayer, and Worship
in the History of Missions and World Christianity

Annual Meeting of Yale-Edinburgh Group
on the History of the Missionary Movement and World Christianity

New College, University of Edinburgh, June 28–30, 2018
Deadline: March 12 March 28, 2018

Scripture, prayer, and worship have been basic activities in almost all missions and manifestations of World Christianity, which should ensure a plentiful fund of material for reflection, comparison and discussion and give hope of illumination and deeper understanding of our field. Continue reading

The Bible and Mission – Call for Papers

On 6-7 June 2018, the Women in Missiology Network will be holding a Consultation at the International Mission Centre in Birmingham, UK.

Papers are invited on the theme of ‘The Bible and Mission’ and submissions are welcome from students as well as academics. The theme is intentionally broad to attract a variety of proposals but examples of submission might include:

  • missional readings of the Bible
  • the use of the Bible in mission, historically or in current mission thinking or practice
  • biblical reflections on a current mission topic

For more information, please see the Women in Missiology Network website.